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Why Your Love Life Is Stuck

Do you find yourself stuck in the same pattern in your love life? Maybe you keep getting ghosted? Maybe partners disappear just when you thought things were getting serious? Or maybe you’re struggling to find anyone who matches up to your ex? One of those most critical things you need to do for your love life is find out more about this. Where did it come from? It could have come from the relationship you had with your primary caregiver when you were less than 3 years old or it could have developed after a break-up in your adult life. Often, there are a number of patterns playing out that have developed and fed into each other over time. In my programs, we do a deep dive into your entire relationship history, from birth to last week. In doing this we can uncover patterns of:

  • Your beliefs around relationships

  • The behaviours you adopt in and out of relationships

  • How you are treated in and out of relationships

  • Your beliefs around yourself and your worthiness of a relationship

These all link together to form your relationship blueprint. And once you know what that blueprint is, you will have some huge “Ah-ha!” moments when you realise why your love life keeps going in the wrong direction. What can you do about it? Once you’ve identified your unique blueprint, it’s time to do something about it. This will involve a combination of:

  • Switching your limiting beliefs to empowering beliefs

  • Recognising the underlying reasons why you behave the way you do

  • Creating a new underlying mindset ‘base’ that will leave you feeling and behaving in alignment with the relationship you want

  • Building your self-esteem and belief that you are deserving of, and can find, the relationship that you are beginning to feel isn’t possible

What can I expect then? Once you commit to this process and invest your time and energy in it, you can expect:

  • To find more matches with men you actually fancy

  • To make it to and past the first date

  • To have options in your love life, rather than hanging onto just one person

  • To feel confident in yourself and your potential to be an amazing partner

  • To truly believe you will find the relationship you dream of

These are results that I see all of my clients achieving. They are possible for you too once you commit to making the changes you need to make. If you’d like to take some action this January, My Mr Wrong to Mr Right course is a great place to start. It’s less than AED100/£25 and will give you some amazing insights into your love life. Previous participants have called it “superb”, says it gave them “clarity” and will stop them “wasting their time”. One of the first ladies to complete it was in a committed relationship within weeks, and still is :) Kat


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