No one ever told you mama
No one ever told you it was going to be this hard mama.
They warned you about the sleepless nights but they didn’t warn you about the loneliness that goes with them.
They warned you your body would change but they didn’t say it was forever.
They warned you that you would love your baby so much, but they didn’t warn you how fearful and protective this would make you.
They warned you that you wouldn’t be going out in the evenings but they didn’t warn you that you would no longer want to.
They warned you that you wouldn’t be having sex for six weeks but they didn’t warn your relationship would be hit with its hardest challenge yet.

They warned you there would be hormones but they didn’t warn you about the intense anger, grief, rage, sadness you would feel alongside the highest highs and overwhelming joy.
They told you about mother’s instinct but they didn’t tell you most of this is learned over time through sheer experience.
So don’t feel ashamed mama, you went into this wild ride pretty blind.
And one of the bravest things you can do mama is ask for help. Ask for support. Even though those nights feel lonely mama, you’re not in this alone.